Crop Circles in The AnswerBank: Science
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Crop Circles

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naomi24 | 07:30 Wed 02nd Jul 2008 | Science
66 Answers
Following wendilla's question about the latest ufo sightings, many new and intricate crop circles have appeared recently. Is there a connection, and if not, how can we explain them?

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/how aboutthat/2144652/Most-complex-crop-circle-eve r-discovered-in-British-fields.html

http://www.lucypringle.co.uk/photos/2008/jun.s html
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Well, I can't understand at all how otherwise rational human beings think that there must be some extraterrestrial or supernatural element to markings on a field.

Therefore, by the same logic, you must be aliens...
This is bobclean's astrologer here. Would someone care to explain why Bob is sitting in the corner polishing my crystals, talking to himself about dowsing for orbs. I have read his palms, and checked the tea-leaves in the bottom of his spiritual cup.His aura is very unbalanced, and his chakra is shot to pieces. I have also consulted my transcendental feng shui tarot cards, and they have shown his vibrational energies are not in harmony with his 4th dimensional, ectoplasmic. spirit guides. I am not happy, my psychic angels are telling me there is a lot of work to be done. Please leave him alone until his universal energies realign with the ley lines. Thank you
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He believes in all those things because he's away with the fairies. He needs to post in B&S.
naomi, sorry to be late but I've been out of touch.
I thoroughly agree with your analysis of the posssiblity of extra-terrestial life. You put it very well indeed.

But you are very wrong when you assume that because I accept the most reasonable and logical explanation in the first instance, I have therefore latched on to that to the exclusion of all the others. I haven't. I'm aware of them all, but my commonsense tells me that I should go along with the most sensible one until it is shown to be false, after which I move to the next most sensible one... and so on.

They are all in my sights but they are not all of equal merit.
The huge ability that evolution has given the human brain is that of discrimination. I use it to the full.
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Why, thank you very much Chakka. It's very kind of you to say so.

Yes, I understand what you're saying and I realised that. I don't allow myself that luxury - in fact my brain won't allow me that luxury I feel as though I'm constantly searching, turning up every stone I come across in the hope of finding answers. If I ever do, you'll be the first to know - and I may even treat you to a G&T or three in celebration!

You apologised for being late, and said you've out of touch. I trust all is well with you?
Gosh yes, naomi, I'm fine thanks. Just a bit busy.
Amused to see the new arguments on this subject above. I'll join you there perhaps. Oh, if only you could deliver that G&T by AB, it would be exquisite. Cheers.

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