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Mamma Mia

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888sally888 | 09:00 Tue 15th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Am off to see the film tomorow - has anyone seen it yet and was it good?

The reviews have been very good so far so hoping it will live up to expectations!


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I know a few people who've seen it, and they all thought it was really good. Hope you enjoy it Sal. It looks very jolly.

morning ladies!

I saw Mamma Mia last Friday and it was great! make sure you stay in your seat until the credits are done :o)
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Thanks jayne & sara - looking forward to it - the first LP I bought was Abba Arrival many years ago!!
I saw Mamma Mia last night!
The problem with the movie is - EVERYONE has huge expectations due to media and other reviews.
So I found myself being very critical, however - I did really enjoy the movie.
I've never seen the theatre production, so it was all new to me.

Meryl CAN sing! :-)
Go enjoy the movie � it is an absolute feel good film and you DO walk out singing! OH and don�t leave immediately once finished, there are some good surprises once most of the credits are done!

Have fun!
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Am really looking forward to it - plus we are having Nandos first - yum!!
I'd never been a huge a huge ABBA fan. The girls' names are hard to pronounce (like "Sara" x ).

But I saw the stage show when it first came out, and it was stunning. I was converted.
Is Nandos the Portuguese restaurant?
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Yes I saw the stage show and it made me very emotional thinking about the past. But then I cry at everythng (even Disney films)!!
Nando's is a Portuguese themed South African restaurant.

They have FAB new salads and DO try the Mango and Lime flavour if you were once a Lemon and Herb fan. YUM YUM
Morning Sally,

Sounds like you're gonna have a good time tonight.

Let us know what you think of the film!

thanks Jayne ;o)

I'm not a huge Abba fan, but if you can get over people bursting into song every 5 minutes, it really is a fun film!

the girl who plays the daughter.. is she the same girl who played Ross's young girlfriend in Friends? she was Bruce Willis' daughter, and I'm sure it's the same one.

btw, I found Meryl Streep was mesmerising. she has got more attractive with age. and Julie Walters is just lovely.
I don't want to spoil anyones enjoyment but do they find out who the father is or not?

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