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midagetrolop | 19:22 Tue 15th Jul 2008 | Gardening
2 Answers
I have been growing tomatoes for 30 odd years andevery year, although I have a lot of tomatoes usually, the leaves curl up, they stay green, but when it gets to the third truss they start to curl up. Can anyone help?


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That is the natural thing tom`s do, it is nothing to worry about. Stop them when they show tom`s at 7 trusses,and feed twice a week, When they are nearly big enough to ripen cut the leaves in half to allow the sun to get to them, or put a couple of ripe ones at the base of the plant and they will ripen quicker or a ripe banana. I tell you this mainly for anyone just getting interested in gardening. I hope.
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Thanks shylock, I only grow mine to 5 trusses and I have used the banana many times. I looked all over for information on the curling but found nothing, I didn't know it was normal as my father has been growing them for 60 years and his don't curl, I always thought it was because they got more light then mine. Many thanks I won't worry anymore.

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