1 U S wooden tiles(8) 2 member of oxford team(6) 3 an oblique spyhole inside an old church(6) 4 sounds like a bond girl twice had a B deficiency (8) Thank you in advance.
You cannot be serious!
This quiz is just out and there is TWELVE WEEKS to do it. Why on earth did you send for it?
You are making a mockery out of the very essence of quizzing. You should be barred from ever having a quiz in your hand. What a loser!!
Thankyou Ivorbiggun. What with people asking with 3 months to go and setters copying quizzes from the Internet what is the world coming to.[see Disney film quiz 11.43 this morning]
Don't get me wrong I try and help people[hope someone will vouch for me] but its not a race. Its not first entry sent back.Just how much effort do some people make.
In some areas this quiz has been out for several weeks and is nearly at its end so please do not chastise those who have been struggling with it for weeks