i remember mine too,my granddad died 28 years ago when i was 18,i was gutted and like you oldgrape he was my role model,i remember him and my nan who died 12 years ago with great love and admiration.....if it is them who welcome me when it is my time to go i know i would be safe..............
I only ever met my Italian Grandmother....dressed in black(honest!!)....never spoke much except in Italian.....and I can also remember my mum presenting her with a tray of medicines every night when she stayed with us!
My mums mum and dad died when I was 2, so other then seeing photos, not really!
My Dads dad died in 1995 when I was 8, and I vaguely remember him, but sadly I remember the way he died more then I have memories of him!
My Stepdads mum died 3 years ago, (my mum and stepdad have been together 16 years, since I was 6 so she was very much my grandparent!) His dad died a few years before.
So its only my Dads mum left, she is 86 and is going to outlive me!!
I'm lucky, I still have one set of grandparents - I see them regularly and every Christmas and family event is more of a treasure now I am old enough to appreciate it. I remember my great grandparents very well too (married for 72 years and both died in their 90s). My other grandparents died when I was 3 and 15 - so I remember Grandpa but not Nanna.