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Does anyone really bother with

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Ice.Maiden | 00:29 Sat 19th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
all those little kitchen gadgets - ice cream scoops, potato peelers, garlic presses and so on? I don't. got them - but just use a spoon, knife - or wallop the garlic cloves with a steak hammer!


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I bet you're using your potato peeler the wrong way.
Like a knife.
Use it properly and it's quicker.
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The best one is a 'jarkey'. It lets air into a new jar so you don't have to run it under a hot tap/put rubber bands round the lid to get it off. My hands are small, so I find it an amazing little contraption.
I have loads of kitchen gadgets.Everytime the Kleeneze catalogue pops through my door I can't resist ordering from it, but although I do use some of the gadgets regulary,most are just stuck away in the cupboard.It's amazing how many stupid gadgets there are in these catalogues.
Lol Ice , you're right , I use a knife , or have ready made mash , but I use the scoop for ice-cream and sometimes for the mash too . I do have a butterballer/curler that I've never used though .
our mam has every gadget goin but only in pink :| coz shes got a new kitchen Please save me from the invasion of girlynes!
I used ti use a garlic press...but you can't get the bits out...and a whack of a knife is MUCH more satisfying!!....and yes- I do use a potato peeler..HAVE to!!!

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