hi all i had the mirena fitted on wednesday afternoon. i was just wondering if the backache, stomach cramps and pains in top of legs were normal. if they are how long do they normally last
i had none of that ... google and look for a chat site on mirena coil, im looking at having mine taken out , its been in about four years now, i have gained a lot of weight since having it fitted so il have it out and see if i loose this weigh! im 52 so dont need it for contraception ...lol
I had the marina you do get cramps after but it should calm down after a couple of days, if it continues see your doctor... i found the marina ok very painful to insert and remove also my partner could feel it when we had intercourse. I now have the implant which is a match stick size tube that goes on the inside of your arm it lasts for 3 years is the most safe thing out a the moment and the plus is that like the marina you dont have periods.