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British security services

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Zen | 22:51 Tue 25th Jan 2005 | News
7 Answers
Now that the 4 British prisoners have been released from Guantanamo bay after years of interragation by the Americans( Probably tortured as well ) yet not tried and despite being visited by the British intelligence services on a number of occassions,the first thing that happens when they arrive back is to be arrested by PLOD,don't these people work as team.Let's waste taxpayers money while the real terrorists slip through..
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they should be arrested and interviewed also they are going to be watched ..this is the correct procedure also you personally dont know they are totally innocent they were arrested for a reason probably a reason which is not known to us,,sometimes when a person spends time in jail with other criminals they come out worse as they have learned new tricks ,,can you tell us that this is not the case with these prisoners..can you positively guarantee their innocence..i think not and for our own safety and protection these people should be scrutinised at all times,,its all very well these human rights people standing up shouting their mouths off if someone is dodgy then they should be treated as such..the british are too soft and thats why we have all sorts of dodgy people roaming the streets free as birds when they should possibly be locked up in secure units without televisions and luxury items just the basic bed water and food,,maybe then they might get a sharp shock ..and before any human rights person has a go at me all the prisoner needs is food water and a bed,,luxury items should not be given at the tax payers expense..

I feel there are two strands to this question.

1) the guilt or otherwise of the British prisoners:

The point is these people have not been charged with anything. The reasons for objecting to their incarceration were not anything to do with whether they were guilty of anything, but whether the conditions under which they were being kept (both the physical conditions and alleged torture plus the detention without charge) are unacceptable to most people.

I think it's acceptable that these people, if accused of something, should get their day in court. If guilty, they should be sentenced appropriately - good grief even one of the men's father's has said quite categorically that is the way to go - it's not controvertial. If there are no good reasons for charging them, they should be free to go.

In light of all that, hopefully, their arrest upon arrival is the start of the proper application of due process.

2) The treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo.

Regardless of their guilt, I for one will support these should they decide to sue the US over their treatment. And that applies even if they are proven beyond any doubt to have been fighting for the Taliban or (unlikely though it is) al Qaeda.

It is the universal application of principals such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (to which the US is a signatory) which allows us to protest when a British citizen is maltreated. If we do not apply these principals to all, we have no right to whine about the behaviour of 'animals', 'sub-humans' and 'medieval throwbacks' of others.

willowherb you show a disturbing lack of regard for thie bigger picture. if we could prove anything they would have been tried. We cannot prove anything so why are they there? I can't prove you;re not a terrorist but does that give me the right to lock you up?
el d... you dont know all the facts you only know what is told to the media,,thats what i was trying to say and until the police are satisfied then they should be interviewed,,i believe that has been done now and they are released..but its got to go through the correct channells..some times when these things happen i am sure you will aggree with me that we are not told all the facts because they are confidential..and the newspapers etc will add bits just to keep the public interested and to sell news,,

Willowherb....you are possibly the scariest person I think I have ever seen post something on here......

You seem to think that we don't know what they have done, but they may be guilty of a crime, we don't know.

We do know that there is insufficient evidence to charge them with any crime, but the Americans have incarcerated and tortured them for years.

You don't seem to think that matters as long you can sleep at night knowing these people (who noone knows anything about) are locked up good & proper as they were being 'dodgy'.

And hey, since they have been in prison, even if they are not guilty, they have probably learnt 'dodgy things' of people who are in prison, so probably best just keep them locked up......

......and why not throw away the key as well.

oneeyedvic...are you telling me you have actually seen their arrest details,,and all the information which has been collected on them???..i am not scary at all i think that in this day and time unfortunately security has to be tight,,for our personal safety..these people were not arressted for no reason they were not innocently walking along the street and snatched by the americans..anyway if they are as innocent as you say then why are they still under surveilance and will continue to be watched and monitored..if they are totally innocent then yes they have a case for compensation..they were not returned to where they were arrested from we had to take them as they are british citizens,,allthough you say i am scary the people in the newspapers are saying exactly the same as me..and as i said before it was only right that the police interviewed them if they are innocent then one more night of being interviewed is not going to hurt them,,you have your opinion which i respect and you should respect mine..i have grand children and its not a lovely world for them to live in they dont have the same freedom as i had as a child and thats sad,,and i am sure you agree that security has to be tighter its just a fact..this is not racist as i am not one i see everyone as i find them,,good and bad in all races,,also when some criminals get locked up they do make contacts within jails with other criminals and i am sorry if you dont like that thought but its fact..and yes some of them do come out worse than they went into jail and thats fact also..

Ah, obviously I was mistaken. I thought that people were innocent in this country until proven guilty (in the main).

Obviously not now. Obviously, we are going back to the 70s with the Irish situation when people were arrested for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I thought that these people (although incarcerated and tortured) had not been found guilt of any crime. Sadly though, people like you believe that there is no smoke without fire and they are in all likelihood guilty.

I just hope that people soon wake up to the fact that we are no longer living in a democracy, and that politicians and the media can manipulate the general public into allowing laws where any member of the British Public can now be picked up and held for pretty much no reason. They can take your DNA without reason and by force. Even if you are proved to be found not guilty they can keep this DNA.

They can impose restrictions such as curfews on you without the need to go to court. Your legal representative is not allowed to know why you are being held or what evidence there is against you.


Scared by terrorist........

.......i'm more scared by this government.


by gettting people like you to live in this created fear they can introduce laws similar to Nazi Germany!

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