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The Tiggster | 20:08 Wed 02nd Feb 2005 | Film, Media & TV
2 Answers

Does anyone know if Steve is now out of Shameless for good? I know he's gone into hiding, but thought it might be for a couple of episodes but in last nights opening credits where Frank does his speech he's been cut out & mad Sheela put in his place.




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I kind of assumed that was him gone for good to be honest (shame).  There's no way back for him - he did the drug smuggling deal, police have his prints, the heavies will be after him as well as the cops, etc etc etc) and I don't think the writers would crowbar it back in.   Isn't mad Sheela's fantastic favourite character (along with Marty!).

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Shame isn't it if he has gone? I read on a site after posting this question that he's been away filming something like The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe. It also mentioned that Shameless was coming back for a 3rd series (yay!) but without Fiona (boo!)

I agree Marty & Sheela are ace!

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