Licence to kill in The AnswerBank: News
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Licence to kill

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anotheoldgit | 13:53 Tue 29th Jul 2008 | News
27 Answers
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-103944 5/Erin-Pizzey-champion-womens-rights-says-radi cal-feminist-plans-let-victims-domestic-abuse- away-murder-affront-morality.html

Are Women now to be given a licence to kill?

Rather than reducing violence, Harriet Harman's proposals could become a charter for domestic chaos, as vengeful women believe they can butcher partners they come to loathe, inventing incidents of abuse or exaggerating fears of assault.

Harriot Harman, is the Minister for Women who recently introduced an 'Equality Bill', which actually proposed to give legal sanction to overt discrimination against men in job recruitment.

Who is the Minister for Men? We certainly need one, just ask the "Justice for Fathers" campaigners for example.

Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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As others have indicated, no, there is no need for a Minster for Men. The changes proposed are only to enable catch up with the sentencing of the Courts. It is already happening.

I did thoroughly enjoy reading the article which as it is the DM I wouldn't have read otherwise. So AOG thanks for bringing it to light.

Oh and your final comment - the Justice for Fathers campaigners. Why is it the judicial system that is predominately male dominated, discriminates against men in favour of women. Why do these male judges have it in for other men? Even I wouldn't be that mean and I am a rabid feminist.

Bye the way hasn't this been disbanded for a murky reason!
"The" Muslims. Absolutely priceless.

If you want a breakdown of your recent posts to demonstrate your obsession with certain subjects, I'm happy to provide, chum.
I'm against this law. You cannot have a law that allows murder to be legal, which this does. It is always illegal. Judges, in rare circumstances, may rule otherwise, but it should never become a fact in law.

Killing is the final act. There should be no sanctity for killers, as they should always have sought another solution. If that were not available, then others will treat them with justice and compassion, as has been done in the past and will be done again in the future.
You cannot have a law that allows murder to be legal, which this does.

No it doesn't. It just allows a different sentence.
I might be missing something but what's this got to do with discrimination against men? It's about supporting anyone who is driven to kill as the ultimate means of self defence after suffering years of abuse and provocation. The fact that that tends to work against men because it's generally men who spend years beating up their wives, well, that's just sort of tough really.
These sorts of crimes need to be treated differently, as Vic says.

Perfect post.
Please, ludwig !
This is an AOG post and therefore not the place for rational argument and debate............nor independent statistical analysis or evidence.

It is preferred that rhetoric and intransigent ill-informed prejudice form the basis of of contributions, here.

Any contra-arguments standing up to scrutiny will be removed...........

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