Leaflet says:
Around the world quiz
all answers are Countries, cities etc
no number of letters are given
some examples are
nuts ...................Brazil
a carrier for your father...................Baghdad
Katie price.....................................Jordan
keeps the sun off.......................panama
would cillit bang eliminate this?.........greece
now youve got the idea can you help with these please?
eagle eyed ab-ers will recognise this ...I posted it a month ago when I first found answerbank. Have learnt how to do the cryptic xwords in Daily mail with your help.
:-) Hoped it would help solve these but I am not getting any where with them!
3 disney film
25 'dance' around
30 campanologists nightmare
33 this story is lovely on toast
35 score these haphazardly
46 was this spice girl delivered here?
48 Is the weather always wet over here?
thank you!
daylight at last!
I was looking for an anagram of dance!!!!!
re spice girl I was looking at their birthplaces!!!!!!
and I have pencilled in Ukraine for the rain question.
Ive looked at anagrams of score and it gives corse which is another name for corsica........but when you add in the these it doesnt work1
I found Los Ceros in Venezuela on a net search but all the other clues seem to give well known places so Im not sure.