Well it's a bit of a dark, wet start to the day here. Last day of the weekend too. Right. that's enough of the miseries - anyone doing anything nice (yes, we know hippyhoppy is off to London tomorrow!). Have a good one everydody XX
good nmorning bensmum, dry but dull start here t, were off to a bbq today, hope it stays dry. we have just drove my mum to the airport as she flies out to gece for 3 weeks. im so jealous x hope you all have a good sunday x
is it still morning? been up since 3 sending kids off on their holidays so am now heading back to bed after watching Jaws - not the best film to watch before a holiday I grant you - oh yes, I nearly forgot - I'm off to London tomorrow - lol...
Morning ethanryan, beejay and hippyhoppy.
Hope the weather improves for the BBQ. I hope it didn't rain on the parade yesterday beejay!
Yes I seem to recall you mentioning London hippyhoppy - I hope you have a truly wonderful time there.
were supposed to be going to buckingham palace but hub has woken up ill - trying to get hold of the ticket office to change the tickets but they not open yet. hope you all have a gd day
Morning bensmum , have a good Sunday honey , I'm taking some flowers up to the graves today and then that's my energy for the day spent ...lol :-)
Morning ethanryan , beejay , hippyhoppy , theonlyone , evedawn , and Jenna , :-)
Morning jenna and bigmamma
sounds as if you had a good day yesterday, jenna. a touch of retail therapy is always good.
hope it's not too sad a day for you bigmamma - it can sometimes be quite therapeutic taking flowers to the cemetary, a chance for a quiet sit down and reflection.
Morning bensmum & everyone!
Enjoy what's left of the weekend! Going out for a meal later, son is paying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Definately not missing that!!! lol! xxx
Morning all, not doing much today apart from cleaning and shopping. I have been in Liverpool this weekend for my 40th and today is catch up. Does anybody else find that when they have the money to spend they can't find anything they want?
Thank you for those thoughtful words bensmum , it's my mother and my brothers graves today , they are buried within a foot of each other so I can see to them both and chat away to them both at the same time.
Am trying to save my pennies for New York (only a few weeks away and can't wait :) ) but Mum went into Primark yesterday and they had sooo many nice things!
Morning tickledtrout. Yes - I rarely have spare money but if I do I can never find anything I want. Of course the reverse is true, if I am broke then I see all sorts! Just off out now to take the aged parent shopping. See you all later
Thank you Jenna sweetie :-)
Oooo , I like Prmark too , and yes , don't you see loads when you can't get them . Mind you , I did buy 2 cardie wrap thingies the other day. Jane Norman has a super sale on here , all items �5 , and I saw loads of lovely clothes .