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Do thoughts have weight?

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sbalas | 13:16 Tue 08th Feb 2005 | Body & Soul
3 Answers

Do thoughts have weight? Why do we feel heavy at heart when some thought is bothering us?



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Thoughts are eletrical signals and therefore energy is required. Energy has mass (E=mc2), so yes thoughts do weigh you down, but by only an incredibly small amount.
hmm, very interesting question.  I have always strongly believed in our emotions having a very strong  link to our physical well being.  For example - nervousness links to 'butterflies' and digestive problems, conditions like psoriasis and IBS can be triggered through stress. Maybe the part of our brain that deals with sadness is the same part that links to our hearts or chest area.  I also think the opposite is true - that if you look after your body then it has a positive affect on your emotional state. (don't practice this one quite so much though :o)
I know that, whenever I'm feeling lightheaded, I can't think straight, so I guess you're right.

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