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advice on vacuum cleaners

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beattie819 | 09:28 Fri 08th Aug 2008 | Home & Garden
5 Answers
Hi Does anyone have ideas on a good lightweight upright vacuum cleaner. I am confused with all the differing reviews I have read.It has to be lightweight, and upright because I have back problems. Also a house full of dogs, so it needs to cope with pet hair,and a son with asthma! I have a Sebo at the moment, which is very good, but too heavy. Price is not a problem. Many thanks in advance.


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The Miele Cat and Dog is excellent
my girlfreind
Sorry just realised you want an upright
Perhaps one of these:
Without doubt the best domestic upright cleaners are made by Sebo a German company. They are readily available in the UK. The model 'Felix 1' is excellent and very easy to move around. I hope this helps.

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