I'm 56 and don't remember either of my parents ever hitting me but mind you my pa could wither you with a look and his voic e used to go rally low when he was annoyed - mother on the other hand had a tongue like a whip lash and could reduce to tears before she even got started. Our teachers used leather straps as a deterrent and I got the strap on many an occasion usually for talking or, heaven forfend ,laughing. Nowadays kids can knock seven bells out of each other and the teachers and parents are powerless. I once got detention for a whole week (and yes the bitch of a guidance teacher supervised us) for wearing a short skirt. It was the 60's for Gods sake and oh while I'm on about it we girls weren't allowed to wear trousers even on a Saturday when we turned up for hockey matches in the middle of winter. Oh yes, those were the days!!