Hi, i lost my baby and was told at my 10 wk scan my baby died 3 wks b4 hand, so i had a d&e and wa stold to wait b4 trying again. Since doing my nurse training i have learnt that once u have had 1 misscarriage u r at higher risk of another one and by not waiting a clear 3 months then u increase that risk even further.
After my misscarriage it took another 15 months to fall again, but i fell preg the first time after 5 weeks of meeting!
My advice to u from personal and medical experience is wait a little longer. Give ur body and mind to heal!
Its been 11 years this nov since my misscarriage, and i still think of my baby, and still have the positive preg test stick too.
Pregnancy take so much physically and mentally from u that u need to be in the best of health to give ur baby the very best start!! Look into all the info available online about concieving, read the books do ur homework!
Babies r so precious, anyone that had had a misscarriage will tell u that, and when u hold ur new baby it will be even more amazing!!
please do take the time to care for yourself and to grieve for ur baby, it really is so important!
Take care xx