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Ok red won

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4getmenot | 17:48 Thu 28th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Its taken me over 5 hrs just to get to the end of street and back and you were right pixi I saw bigmamma and stopped to chat on the way, redcrx crossed finish line before me :-(

although I think she cheated ter.jpg


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Lol 4get, you need a red eye setting on your camera.
omg! red sounds much nicer than she looks lol

oi pixi, dont be so cheeky! i thought Id treat myself to coloured contacts. i think they rather suit me
Question Author
thats why she is called red :-)
aww sorry red :( I will polish your face as a punishment for being mean, its looking a bit dull after all that road grime lol :D
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oh and I took a wrong turn following someone I thought was Mr Krankie d/d5/Mobility_scooter_zoo.jpg
pmsl at mr krankie
the facelift does need a bit of a scrub.

still at least the muck doent get caught in my wrinkles.

heres me before ges/2006/02/01/mobility_lady_400x300.jpg
b00 tried to join in, but was too slow with her stick so tried to cheat onists/abr/lowres/abrn65l.jpg
ah thats better red :) The metal face was scary lol
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so was how she made fire come out her bum
rofl , !!!
no ed.......rofl
Noooooooo !!!!!!! ROFL
LOL at mamma

erm if red made fire come out of her bum then she definitely cheated 4get

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Ok red won

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