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Does anyone remember....

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haysi06 | 21:20 Thu 28th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
the good ole days of Chatterbank....

When you could have coloured text?




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yeah lol

I didnt bother with it cos I always forgot but I remember champers used to post in a lilacy colour lol
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Can you still do it?????

Oh the excitement!!
No, how long ago was that?
I hate to be the bearer of bad news so I will let someone else tell you :(
this one from 2005 has bits of colour stion173413.html
Before my time steg!
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PMSL at you. You ARE the REAL Legend ;)

LOL wee pixi, you are a dafty, thanks for the lesson btw
Haysi - you shouldn't use the L word - he'll be counting again later!
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Hi bensmum xx

Counting what? He can't count or spell.

Ooops I may have upset him.....he may spit the dummy out again ROFL!
and the real leg end, lol x x x
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You are a Legend matey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Does anyone remember Haysi Fantayzee singing John Wayne is Big Leggy?
That link takes me back a bit! I used to be a member circa 2004 then left.

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Does anyone remember....

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