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life in general

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mightylegend | 11:21 Sun 31st Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
Has life taken you where you hoped or intended it to?
Alternatively are you still looking for something or somewhere?
Maybe even someone ?

How long until you just give up and settle for what youve got ?
And is it a bad thing to settle for second or even 5th best , rather than follow your heart or your dreams?


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I have been blessed with the loves of my life -my children so in that respect I am glad of the path I took as I wouldnt have them.

I cant say that things have panned out for me the way I would have liked -double edged sword -they are here for a reason-but in taking that route I have caused them the greatest hurt -lose/lose.

One day -I will be happy and content -then pigs might fly !!
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Is anyone really content with how things have turned out though ?

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life in general

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