tigerlily, I can fully understand people experiencing spirituality, because I think spirituality is an element of nature, but if you read the bible, and got to know the history of the being that we commonly called 'God', you would realise that he was not the all-loving father as others lead you to believe he was. The bible records his actions graphically - and he was a vindictive and cruel monster. It's all there if you want to find out for yourself. There may be a great and loving spirit in the sky - as you say, we can't prove it or disprove it - but the God of the bible, or of the Koran, it is not.
Theland's Trinity, incidentally (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost) was fabricated by man, along with the rest of the doctrine of the Christian church
I'm not trying to sway you - simply to enlighten you, since you don't seem to have investigated the subject in any depth.
I'll record the programme early on Monday morning, and I'll let you know my thoughts. x