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Time machine

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tiggerblue10 | 18:08 Sun 07th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Good afternoon everybody,

If you had a time machine, when and where would you go back to and why? Would you change anything?


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1st July 1916, first day of the Battle of the Somme where my Great Grandfather and nearly 20,000 other British soldiers lost their lives.

I would be there to assist him when he was one of the first officers to "go over the top" and hence one of the first ranked soldiers to die.

I would have been quick enough to dodge the bloody krauts and plant some decent explosives in their bunkers and thus preventing WW1.

R.I.P dear Great-Grandfather, What a hero.
Question Author
I would go back to the Elizabethan era and witness one of the greatest monarchs that ever lived.

I would also go back to just before WWI started and shout to Archduke Ferdinand and his wife to duck!
yesterday so I can find my car keys.
And what if Archduke Ferdinand turned around and said to you

"Yes please with pancakes and hoison sauce"
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I would have julienned some spring onion and cucumber.
my teens!

puss-boots....wen u find ur keys put your phone number on them somewhere.....we find lots of car keys where I work & they're rarely claimed.
Julienned is a word I have never typed before in my life.

Question Author
Well you've just typed it now! Lol
I would zap back to around February 1965 and tell my old man to leave my mother alone!
Just think of all the aggravation it would have saved me ;-)
Hi tigger! I'll go back to the sixties please! Must have been fantastic!!!!!
yea....all those drugs and free
i go back 25 years .Back to the pub where i met my wife and make dam sure that I had left 10minets before she arrives

lol @ dustypuss!
Would of loved it 20silk!
Mind you Sachs...still plenty of drugs around these days and free love too...if ya know where to look lol
...and i always thought dustypuss was a female...shows how much i know heheheh

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Time machine

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