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Champagne | 11:33 Mon 08th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
..."big hugs" in French?

(I'm writing it on a birthday card)


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helloo stranger lol

could it be beeg hurgs?
ha ha pixi i was going to write something similar lol!!!!
Leeesten very carefolly

i veel say zis ohnly vonce

grandes �treintes

ohhhhh la la la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

d t h ?�?�

champagne this is for you - it is

Abrazos grandes - big hugs to you too - bye for now
"Vas faire foutre a la vache"
"Je t'embrasse bien fort!" if for one person only, or "Je vous embrasse bien fort" if for a family.

Grandes etreintes, although gramatically correct, is waaaaaaaay too old-sounding, a bit like something you would read in a novel written 2 centuries ago. Us French don't generally hug, we kiss!

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