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If I said....

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Emu2005 | 13:32 Tue 16th Sep 2008 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers
Why go to a banana stand when we can make your banana stand

Would anyone know what I was referring to!


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I don't understand.
Is this bananas in pyjamas?
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No it's a quote from a tv show I just want to see if anyone recognises it!
Can't help then.....sorry.
Memorable quotes for
"Arrested Development" Making a Stand (2005)

advertisement [upon seeing GOB's banana stand 'mascots']
George Michael: Are those strippers?
Michael: If I know your uncle, they're at least strippers.

Gob: Attention Everyone. Why go to a banana stand when we can make your banana stand? I give you Barbara and Dee.
[Two cheap looking, barely dressed women walk out]
Gob: Don't worry, these young beauties have been nowhere near the bananas.
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That's it! I knew what it was from I was just wondering if anyone else has seen all the episodes far too many times and likes to just quote from them now and again!
no, i dont.... but when i was quite young i used to phone people up outa the phone book and say "hello, this is the banana bending factory, have you got any sraight bananas?"

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