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Lonie81 | 10:36 Wed 24th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
does anyone know how to get lipstick marks out of a suede cushion cover??????
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The mind boggles as to how it got there in the first place....
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Wasn�t me! I had a few friends round last night to watch a dvd, drank some wine and one of them fell asleep on the sofa! My mum will kill me if I can�t get the stain out.
I would have thought try whatever you use to clean the lipstick of your lips.
Apply with a tissue or cotton wool.
I doubt it's real suede Lonie. Seat cover or scatter cushion? Either way, unzip the cover and look for the label just inside which will tell you if it's washable.

I appreciate you may not have time to do a full wash on it, but scrape off any excess, rub a lttle vaseline in to loosen it or (chancey) meths. You could rub in a little washing machine liquid and then launder.

Or it could be a dry cleaning job.

Or (sneaky) get hold of your mums lippy, add a little to the stain, say nothing. This is reliant on lippy wearing mum actually ever going near said cushion.....

I'm not usually this devious, but I guess you need different options....

Best option - tell her. She'd prefer to deal with the stain herself ......

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