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Indian salad sauce.

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Abdulmajid | 19:01 Wed 24th Sep 2008 | Food & Drink
6 Answers
What exactly are the little tubs of sauce you get with a side salad at Curry houses?

And how do I replicate it at home?

Some are white and others orange coloured, but I think they are the same.

Thank you.


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the yellowy/orangy one is mango chutney, and can be bought in a jar.

Can't think what the others are off the top of my head, but im assuming they can be bought in jars too.
you can buy the little tubs at asda
Green one is mint sauce & yoghurt.....for cooling

Red one is hot chilli sauce, water & vinegar.....zing the food
Sauces I quoted; add pinch of dried mixed spices eg carroway/cumin/coriander.....all in separate packs sold in asian shops & Tesco.
abdul the white one is called raita, i make mine with natural yoghurt,mint sauce,cucumber, salt pepper and a touch of water if needed, the reddish one is just a chilli mixture with colour added!!!
Question Author
That's the one. Sounds very easy to make!! Thank you.

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Indian salad sauce.

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