My old neighbour, was fine till she met her new fella, it was like whey hey lets have a party every night, they were in there 50's, once the music (all heavy metal) come on mid week at 12am, I was livid, I was laying there listening to it pounding through the walls, and something just flipped, I jumped out of bed and thought, thats it, im gonna kill em!!! I got all my clothes on and was so pumped up I felt like He-man lol, I got half way down the stairs and it went off, probably a good job it did, as I swear I would have headbutted the bitc*....I had this for a while, then ended up having a huge row with them and get this, they complained about my kids, my kids were a lot younger then and went to bed early, they only used to go out into the garden to paint or play in the tent....That was it, I lost it and she knew to keep her mouth shut...I moved away from them in the end , cos I just wanted to obliterate them every time I saw them!!!