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First Time on a Ferris Wheel

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Jill Serota | 17:44 Thu 03rd Mar 2005 | Music
3 Answers
I recall a version of Smokey Robinson's 'First Time on a Ferris Wheel' with very strong male and female vocals on a old tape I used to have and now I can't locate the music or the music information. I am dying to listen to the song again but all I can find is Smokey's version. Can anyone identify the music and vocals for me Please?


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Carl Anderson (who died last month from leukaemia) and Gloria Loring dueted on a song called 'Friends and Lovers' that was a brief hit. Anderson released an album by the same name that has a version of 'First Time on a Ferris Wheel' on it, but I don't recall that it was sung with Loring. Maybe that's what you're thinking of.
Anderson died last year, not last month. Feb 23 2004.
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Thank you - thank you so much!

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