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oooo Why do Sundays have to end so soon,?

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WhiteBear | 01:07 Mon 29th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
im gonna have to wait a whole week again :(

is going to b another depressing / stressful wk for me again :'(

im going to bed and sob

night all



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sweet dreams WB x
nite hun

ill send my pink piglet over
to cuddle you


nite x
Question Author
Bez yeah i will think of the great win at the weekend without a doubt!! two down and two to go.. We now need to beat the Gunners and Chelski!!!!! and the rest!!

Chico thnks for the piglet cuddles :) i need it x

night allxx
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oooo Why do Sundays have to end so soon,?

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