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legendis.god | 03:46 Mon 06th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
im orrrf to bed

catchya manana

nite nite all


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Nite,nite's been fun
lol xxxxxx
Yes - nighty night. Wish i'd been able to get on earlier now. Never mind - tonight's another night. there's an email in the pipeline for you Leggy. It's just finding a few minutes to get it sorted!! x
Don't forget me!!!!
I sent you a long one - you're being greedy! Your turn! x
Question Author

errmmm.......sent you one back there!!

Nite Leggs...mwaaaaahhh!!
Oh - I haven't checked. OK then - MY bl**dy turn!!! You always get the last word in!

Mwhahaha!! You still there leggy? Stewey's replied to you - well, all of us, it seems. Think your pfrrrt woke him up! : )
Bet he is out for the count now.....
....and I have posted 'nite' SOMEONE has not got their phone
Red face. Awww...well sorry hun. I really don't know where I left it! I'll check it out later on. Better go back to your "nite" thingy then!. Toddles off wearily.....

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