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Wire in the blood.

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legend.isgod | 21:00 Fri 10th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Can anyone remember when old Robson there was a screen heart throb and all the ladies over forty were posting him their knickers ?
He was a singer too apparently him and his mate from soldier soldier the one with the nose that was hit with a door, Jerome wasnt it ?

So is he still pant wettingly hunky or is he an old has been now ?

Well ladies speak up


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He has gone all religious now, and is a recluse.
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a recluse?
i can see him and im in the reef


btw kjc do i knows ya ?
I'm talking about Jerome flynn....sorry. you are on about Robson Green.
wires crossed somewhere.

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no answer ?

oh well
why would you know me?
Question Author
no reason
for defonite

thats why i asked

keep calm dear

its only a question : 0 ) lol
I don't know if he is hunky......but I do like the character he plays......rather ecentric
He has a few more lines on his face.....but still hunky.
i suffered from wire in the blood said it was caused by too many copper was painfull to remove...........tho i made a killing at the scrap yard!

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Wire in the blood.

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