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Broken potato

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puddingqueen | 16:33 Sun 12th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Hi all
Puddingking broke the plastic potato masher and we are having mash for tea tonight, any idea's what we can use instead.

Many thanks


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Try a Fork, or maybe a light whisk??
Question Author
Thanx puddi.....a whisk it is.
Can't wait for my sunday dinner.......
If he broke it, it is up to him to take you out for a slap up meal with all the trimmings, instead of mashing potatoes!!
Question Author
He took me out last night, the meal was very nice........
Best hurry or itll be cold and youlll need to nuke it in the microwave .

Are you two related to the waltons or something?
food processor?
I hate mashed potato..mrtheonly loves
it ....but enjoy it ..
no not a food processor makes it like sloppy glue!!
Certainly a good idea of puddicats , enjoy your mash puddingqueen :-) x
Haha Puddicat... so you've made that mistake as well ! In other words, I agree about food processor turning the potato to *glue*

If you still haven't your dinner/tea, then you can push the cooked potato through a fine sieve or ricer but you might have to reheat it afterwards or place in a bowl over a pan of boiling water and cover with a lid until hot enough again.
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Don't have mash, perhaps ?
thats why i didnt suggest a ricer because not everyone has one!!
True, very true Puddicat.... I guess one could use a sieve though - but in reality, it's either a fork, a whisk or packet mash..... Actually, thinking about it, if the potato is really well cooked, a wooden spoon might work well at breaking it down quickly, followed by a fork to get it smooth !
Question Author
Thankyou all for your answers, we ended up having boiled and oven baked potatoes and they were very nice.
Please tell me that you two are not for real
yep they are
Oh god help us all

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