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minimum wage

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stokemaveric | 22:24 Sun 12th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
what is the minimum wage for an 18 year old?by law what are agencies bound to pay?


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we really are still living the slow painful death of thatcherism ie the privatisation of the utility businesses the poll tax,cleverly disguised as the council tax,the closing of the pits etc etc yes she surely ruined this once great country and we have never truly recovered from her years as prime minister...................
So is Blairs missus, he`s pretending to stop people getting into the country and she`s acting on their behalf with all the human rights sh!t

End!tloads of scrounging illegal immigrants in this country, he stands down, she still earns hundreds of thousands per year taking the p!ss with her human rights law and she even has the cheek to say he`s as popular as Sir Winston Churchill
housing sold off

etc etc etc


shes a hero

for the idiots
legend how long have you been abroad,
labour in , 4 day week , could not bury the dead , rubbish all over the streets no bins emptied, everyone on strike for this or that , lost my aprenticeship
tories in under maggie never knew if i was going to keep my job
labour in and thanks to brown with his stealth taxes the firm i worked for (who made a profit ) shuts down and moves to china and india.the firm had been running on the site for approx 135 years.
brown the biggest ******* of them all
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legend she did 1 good thing for me.....i brought my council house in the 80s i spent a fortune renovating it and then sold it....enabling me to get on the property ladder...but id still burn the witch.............
yawn dont waste your time trying to change my opinion mate

youd prove alien life easier

just a hint like

D T H?�'
stoke sadly thats added to the housing shortage tho
asylum seekers get top priority for the houses now
oh dear thread wasted

its about minimum wage
take the racist crap to news eh

boring mate
legend you mentioned houses,i have told the truth you don't live in this country anymore.
legend, no-one has called maggie a hero yet you call people idiots

Labour are in power and the country is in a financial crisis, banks are being bailed out with tax payers money does that mean Labour voters are idiots too?

No need for insults
Question Author
really legend,its the councils who have sold their housing stock under the tenants right to buy scheme,if people werent astute enough,or to idle to work in the 80s to take advantage of the scheme then that is their for the asylum seeker debate they ought to stay in their own place of birth.........the polish are soon running back to their homeland now that the so called credit crunch is taking its toll.....and good riddance to the lot of them.............
sardonic i never live din england .and i dont know you .
just dont try to change my opinion.

elvis stoke mentionded the state funeral.onhis thread

is that for people not thought of as heroes?

i just hate when every thread no matter where on ab has to be an immigrants thread

and i class racisrts as idiots be they here or in the streeet

oh dear

no time for rascists

sorry guys

cant bring myself downto that level of debate

i could sit here spouting hw the poles do work idle brits wont

but then id be easier proving alien life too.

so ill bid you goodnight an dlet you hang or burn or whatever it is you do with poles .that is when theyre not flying in the raf to
night guys

protect britain.



right night guys

have fun
legend i am not trying to change your mind you mentioned houses. where i live the council have to provide them with shelter. they get top priority FACT. so please don't call me a racist.
if you knew the situation that i am in at the present time after working for over 30 years, i think you would be a little pi$$ed off with our nice mr brown
legend my best mate and drinking buddy for over 20 years has polish parents. but hey mate if you think i'm racist fine , i give up. ps two of the other lads i used to drink with had polish parents

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