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How Sad!!

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puddicat | 19:02 Sun 12th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Seve Ballestreros has a brain tumour!, what a great golfer!!!


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That's so sad.

He's a real gentleman, as well.
Sorry puddi -but what does the fact that he was such a great golfer have to with the fact he has a brain tumour?.

Its sad that someone who we dont know personally is ill but its even sadder when you watch one of your loved ones die before your eyes with the self same.

Fame doesnt bring health and wealth doesnt bring health and if you were ill he wouldnt be posting about you hun and im not being pedantic so dont have a go x
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joggerjayne gorgeous and charming i had the hots for him,when i was younger!!!
Do you know him puddicat?
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not having a go dris??/
Yeah, he's very attractive.

Understated good looks.
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no i dont know him personally but i admired paul newman also!!!
He died.
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No Dris very ill!!
Paul Newman died.

I know about ill with brain tumour.(:
sad news about seve, hopefully they can help him?
very sad but may well pull through, hope so.
It is serious obviously but not neccasirly terminal depending on size and location etc, hopefully he can recover x
Hope he pulls through.
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Hi dris did your partner have a brain tumour??
naw -my kids dad was killed outright -with his legs and head ripped off.

My nannie however had a brain tumour -that enough for ya???
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Dris i have havent said anything to hurt you, i dont know why you are like this, was trying to understand
I know you havent puddi -you asked a question and I gave an answer.

I just didnt see the connection between him being a great golfer and having a brain tumour -its sad as a person he has a brain tumour but not as a great golfer thats all.

Im sure -the age he is and the obvious good health I would expect him to be in that they should be able to help on his way to a ful recovery- for him and his family's sake..
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Sorry to hear that Steve.
As thumbalina said though, often, brain tumours are operable on, and a person can survive and lead a full life just as before.

Then there are other scenarios - as dris's described. Rather than make jokes about these things, it's better to look after our loved ones, because we never know what tomorrow may bring.

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