I know the Jeremy Kyle show is not indicative of how real people are on the whole, but he does tend to have an awful lot of Glasweigans on his show, who's problems always centre around acohol and/or drugs.
Surely Glasgow cannot have as many Alcoholics or Junkies as we are led to believe by the media?
Glaswegians are always portrayed as drunks, neds and druggies. It is a misconception, a sterotype and unfair. But the city (or certain parts of it) does have drink and drug problems.
For ptiy's sake all of you - stop coming out with the old, old story. Glasgow has its problems, but so does every other city in the country. It's a great place. I'm a Londoner and have been there dozens of times while working and have never had a bad experience.
Velvetee, just don't watch chav TV and you'll be OK
Velvetee - a 'ned' is the Scottish equivalent of what the English call a 'chav', that is, a certain negative type of working class person inclined to drink, drugs and violence. Neds / chavs usually dress in shell suits, baseball caps and bling, and drink Buckfast or white cider.
robert carlyle.robbie coltrane,lulu,travis,franz ferdinand,glasvegas,fratellis,etc etc..oo and jimmy boyle...and our fav serial killer fred west lived here for a while.