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making pancakes

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dot.hawkes | 00:07 Tue 14th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
79 Answers
what's your fave pancake filling? i've got syrup, sugar, jam or christmas mincemeat!!!


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I know Dot meant strawberries but I'm still loving the idea of starberries. They sound delightful!
Thanks pinktwink, i was just going to bed when i read your post, i am now going downstairs to make some peanut butter on toast,
Question Author
I'm off to bed got work in the morning, tut, shoes don't sell themselves lol

enjoy chatting, catch you all tomorrow

any excuse to get yer man in bed,eh hun??? lol
well let me know
ive got pasty and knobby booke dup

hope im really here btw in the reef

otherwise theyre sleeping on the new benches till you and tel arrive


scarse gitts
Night Dot xxx
nite again dot
Goodnight Dotty. Sweet dreams xxx
Ref benches. Many a true word said in jest......

Could you seek out a pair away from the front for a bit of privacy.

The boys are earning so they'll be properly sorted.....

lol (she lied)
nite post
those benches need cushions...ouch!!
If tel's anything like mine, rabbity, you don't even mention the word bed, or there'd be no getting up in the mornings at all! : )
omg icey

thats terrible

Not sure I get that icey - but then I was up early this morn and tired now.

He's here now, so nite all

Nite,nite rabbs.....hope to see you on here soon-and good luck with the job search xxxx
Same here. Take care hun. xx

Yes, dreadful leggy. That's why I go back to bed in the afternoons sometimes! : )
I'm off to bed now too. G'night Rabbs, Icey, Pasta, Tiggs, Leg and anyone else lurking out there xxx
There is a pancake restaurant in the Trafford Centre!!

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making pancakes

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