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It's no good

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dot.hawkes | 22:52 Sat 18th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I am giving up trying to do anything else because i keep coming back here and answering the scintilating questions, can we have some trivia too whilst i think on? AND as an addenda to that, how do you think Emmerdale will handle Jack Sugden's demise?


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I'm the same tonight dot, got the lappy on in the lounge with tele on as well I don't seem able to log out tonight, it must be something in the water.
dot, my daughter tells me that the distance from the earth's surface to the centre of the earth is the same as from London to New York.

Jack.. dunno.. they've dragged it out for too long.

oh, they could get a lookalike actor to take his place!
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oh u on water puss? I'm indulging in something a tad stronger this evening as i have a day off tomorrow (Thus far)
I have a white vino going at the moment, I find it enhances the brain cells and is very good for your health long term.
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so true puss, it enhances the operating and funcyioning of the pre-lobotony thereby a far superior alternative to the drug canabis which in essence aggravates said area of the brain and make one react like a juvenile and become uninhibited, we should definately stick to alcohol, people using the aforementioned uninhibiting drug might post random posts of nothingness that just use repetitive content
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i'm awaiting the good questions knobs!!!
dot you took the words right out of my mouth.

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