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would you pass?

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4getmenot | 16:01 Wed 22nd Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
well my mate told me other day that she went to our old school for her boys parents evening and my how its changed, my parents just used to go for about an hour and go round the different teachers telling them how well or not I'd been doing. Now when my mate went she said she had to see each teacher then was sent up to computer room to write down everything she'd just been told and then they marked her on it!! anybody else had to do this?


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No I wouldn't be able to my old school has been demolished!!! Ormskirk Grammar School it was.
That is just ridiculous! Was she winding you up?
Question Author
no thats what they have to do she spent hours there. Her boy even got marked down for handing in his homework written out and not printed, they cant afford a home computer
Even more bl00dy ridiculous. Lots of homes don't have (or don't want) a home computer - why should this lad be penalised.

I would really kick up about this if this were my child's school.

Fings just aint wat they used to be ;-)

Seriously though - I really do think this situation is appalling.
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definately his homework was no different to anyone elses just written out, she does have an old computer but no printer. Although she did win a laptop yesterday :-)
Sorry, but what???? lol! They gave her an assignment and marked her on it? WTF?
I've never ever heard of anything like this before. If it happened to me, I couldn't even speak for laughing!
Re. the poor boy being told off for handwriting, I'd also have been in the teacher's office in a flash! How the hell are kids supposed to learn to write properly by hand if they are forced to use computers (that have spell checkers, btw!)....In my time, we'd have been told off for typing it instead of writing by hand!
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And a lot of the work they need to be able to access websites so she has to go to library with him. Its is silly. I guess the parents evening it was to see if the parents were listening but how stupid. What do the foreign parents do?
I guess we're on for a whole generation of people who can't handwrite, are lost without a computer / the internet, can't do research in books, have never seen the inside of a library...
No wonder they want to introduce e.books!

Soon, you won't find St MAry's or Templeton's Schools, it'll be Microsoft Education Base Number

just as max said, how is any child going to learn how to write neatly and properly if they schools want them to have everything processed on a PC?

as for the test for parents, if only they were as good at ensuring children take in the information taught to them.

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Wow, I think (even though I work in education) If anyone asked me to go write up about the evening, I'd be wanting to know exactly who put this 'extra curricular activity' together and what they're hoping to achieve.

Ok, if they ask you to take a questionnaire home and fill it in afterwards, then ok. I'd be more than happy to do so.

As for the complaint and fewer marks due to handwritten homework - Was it anything to do with ICT? Or anything that should have been done on a computer? If so then the school should have offered him the time during school hours to complete his homework using a school computer.
If not, then they're basically making a rod for their own back. Every child should be able to access the curriculum no matter what. If they knew he didn't have a printer, then why not give him the option to save it to a disc or pen and print it off in school?

What happened to the 'new' idea behind inclusion?

Nope, I'd be booking an appointment to see the head of year to have a nice chat about it and if she gets no joy then she should write to the govenors to complain.
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sorry lore I dont know what subject it was for.
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...and you wonder why all of our children were home educated... lmfao. The world of school education just gets more and more weird and scary each time I speak to another parent about it.
the last parents evening I was given a book to write some feedback in, I had to write down some things that I felt that my daughter could work on
thos sounds bizarre.

cazz that sounds sensible.possibly its to9 see if parents are actually showing an interest in their childs education .that is a parents responsibility and they should be showing an interest.

sadly too many dont , blame teachers for poor results whilst watching x factor and the soaps.

a childfs education is supposed to happen at home too.
not just in school

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