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This morning

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bobtheturkey | 10:03 Sat 25th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
i am using my orange egg cup


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Hello bob!!
Orange is your colour!! Suits you sir! :0/ xxx
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hello sachs
Noooo bob , that's not an egg cup's a bucket , and unless you keep an ostrich !!
hello bob, use the loo like the rest of us, :-)
pmsl raysparx!
Oh Ray - that comment so reminded me of my very amusing dad - I do miss him and I feel you brought a glimps of him back there!! LOL
Good morning all, hope you are all well, sally,thank you, thats a lovely thing to say, memories can never be taken away from you, and they become more precious over the years. xx
Ray - thats very true. Hope you have a great weekend x
You too sally, keep smiling and be happy, take care xx

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