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bigmamma | 17:53 Mon 27th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Hi again lovelies , I've got my appointment at the dietician in the morning . Last time I went I had lost half a kilo . Will I gain , or lose , I wonder . xxx


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Awww BM, I do hope you put some weight on. If you lose anymore you'll disappear! You need to tuck into your sweetie box and stop handing them out round AB! Lol ;-) xxx
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Hee hee tigger you fancy anything ? xxxxx
Oh and next time you go to you GP tell them about the idiot who saw you earlier. He has no right to talk to you like that. If you choose to go to your Drs surgery rather than waste ambulance time then that is your right. Also if he fails to see that you are suffering then he shouldn't be a doctor, simple as! The condescending jumped up little twerp!
No I'm Ok thanks BM ;-)

Well actually, do you still have that extra large bar of Galaxy :c)
big good lucky your very welcome to have some of my weight lovely would it to be to need to put weight on ..all that food i could eat :)
Hi bigmamma - hope all goes well tomorrow and that the weight is on the way up. Like many people I need to lose weight but it must be really frustrating to try to gain then find that you've lost some.
Just read your post about the doctor today - it seems that some of these doctors are really clever and know their stuff but they have absolutely no people skills whatsoever. I would write to the practice manager
Think you do need the choc bar tonight
after your bad day ..also you may gain a
gramme overnight !! Hope all goes well
tomorrow ..take care ...
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Hi again tigger , you can have it , there's plenty more in the box . I've got a cumberland pie in the oven , I was told to try to eat my dinner a bit later than usual so that I have more chance of it not being used on daily or early evening activity . Though I'm not sure what activity I get up to in the early evening ! lol
Hi and thank you for your offer sleepy , though I don't think you need to lose anything honey . :-)
Hello bensmum , and theonlyone , fingers crossed that I willl have put on , I 've been on 2 courses of steroids since 6 weeks ago , and after a few days of taking them and you start to feel better , boy does the appetite kick in .
I'm going to complain to my gp next time I go to see her , she's always lovely . xxxxxx
hey bigmamma, good luck with the dietician tomorrow. is anyone running a book on your weight gain??! I'll put a fiver on a kilo gain ;o)

I'm sending you some virtual After Eights.. I've eaten too many, as usual x

(you can always put them in your pockets for the weigh in!)
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Hee sara , you're on . Don't give me any ideas about shoving things in my pockets
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Back home and the dietician was very pleased , I've put on 0.8 of a kilo . In the right direction . She wants me to up the calories and have more snacks as well as my meals , and to make sure I have at least 2 desserts a day , and chocolate , ice-cream and other calorific snacks .

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