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Rosetta | 14:48 Tue 28th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Now its snowing. Is it snowing where you are?


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Hi Rosetta,
very cold but no snow as yet in Manchester. Where are you? xxx
Awww, I want snow!

I'm in Manchester (ish) area too, and like Sachs says, its cold, but thats about it.
nope we're in the midlands its cold though
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Not too far from you in Manchester, mid Staffordshire
Ooh, might be on it's way then!
rosetta where are you i'm in tamworth noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
No, it is not and I don't want it to!!!!!

It's cold enough, brrrrrr!!!
I'm in Scotland and it was snowing, but sun out now
It's started to make a few pathetic attempts here to snow, so maybe it's on its way Sachs??
What is the fascination with snow?? Its horrible nasty, cold, wet stuff that makes everything ****** when it melts, and dangerous for road users and pedestrians when it freezes over.
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I agree lesblue. I wish the blooming stuff would go away.
Hopefully it won't settle.
I'm in Manchester too and still no snow :(
Hi, we had snow in Perthshire this morning, only a light covering but it was also minus 1 at 0715 when I went to work

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