My iPod nano seems to have frozen - I only got it at Christmas! The screen won't move whatever buttons you press and it shows the lock sign, implying the iPod is on hold only it's not. I'm beginning to get worried (my parents will kill me if its broken) - all i did was turn it on and this happened. Any suggestions on as how to fix this, if its happened to anybody else, and what possible could be wrong?
Just asked my daughter and she mentioned theres a lock on the top, but by the sound of it, youve already tried that - I'm Not sure if this is any use to you, but I found this on Apple news - if you havnt already done so maybe this would do it ?
It has a screen lock, which lets you lock your iPod, but if you forget your combination, just dock it with your iTunes and it will automatcially unlock it so you�re left not stranded with a locked iPod Nano because you forgot your lock combination.
Have a look around the edge of the case for a little hole...if you insert a straightened paper clip in there it will push a button that will reset your ipod as they can crash and not respond to anything.
There is no reset but on the Nano, what you need to do is hold down the center button of the wheel and the play button at the same time for 5 seconds, that will reset the iPod (but not delete the music).
Happened to me a few weeks ago. It's in the manual.
This happened to me and I didn't have it for very long either!!
The best thing to do is to reset it if it doesn't respond. What you need to do is hold the 'Menu' button and the 'middle' button for about 6-10secs until the 'apple' logo appears on the screen. In the instructions I got it said to select the 'hold' button to the on position to do this but it didn't work for me and only worked on the off position!!!
I also thought that if I re-setted it, I would lose all my music etc but I didn't! Everything was still there and since then, I've never had a problem!
If the resetting doesn't work (and i had this once on my 4th gen iPod, where even resetting doesn't have any effect), you could try simply letting the battery go down, then plugging it in, recharging, and then seeing if it's ok. Worked for me! :)
I use the 'restore' setting when I have a problem which puts it back to the state it was in when it left the factory. I gives you a blank canvas (or clean sheet) to work on but you have to download the music again.
i just got worried there because i somehow managed to ****** my ipod up and a quick search on here and found this answer which sorted out the problem...phew thank god for that .