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Have you ever had a full house???

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puddicat | 18:47 Tue 04th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Sometime ago my name was on all the topics at the same time, the one and only time, mind you it was the weekend and early lol!!!!


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I used to get it alot when I started work at 7:30 and when I was waiting for my baby to arrive (not in the post, I was over due, that sounded weid when I read it back) and up at random times of the night
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Yeah a couple of times, not for some time though, I managed 3 out of 4 a few days ago and they were all in technology.
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Hi Ficky, dont think i will ever see that again not in my life time lol!!!!

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Have you ever had a full house???

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