Resisting the temptation to say its an island near cos. Have a look here:
anatomy. Should help, its all clearly labelled, but whoever mr gray dissected appears to have a rather bouffant quiff where the sun dont shine.
Incitatus: Nice picture. Unfortunately does not show the clitoris in all it's glory(?) Far from being a small nub of nerve endings (still put about in serious biology books) it is a complex organ. Research on it has only taken place recently, by Australian anatomist Helen O'Conner. Check out an interview with her here: Andy
I was aware of the research. Dr O'Conner has found several new ramifications of the organ whichshow that it extends through much of the pudendal region. However I was assuming (rightly or wrongly) that akkers was more interested in a practical application of this knowledge, and dissecting your girlfriend is illegal in many countries.
Apologies, have a bit of a bee in my bonnet over the fact that the 18th century scientists though it was not a necessary part of the body to be explored. Grr!