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mariah carey what a let down!!!

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puddicat | 22:49 Sat 08th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
Good singer but not all that!!


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It gets a reaction........
Jeez ! I reckon she's top heavy , take that dress off and those boobs would drop to past her waist !
I guess you men will see bigger the better for some reason though .
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this lady could win it bang out of order if she does not get through, theres no justice!!!
rachel was total sh�t

if she had to sing for her supper shed be frukin anorexic

lauras planted the seed tho

the songs for her grand dad

maybe we will hera about an ailment or something to add to the emotion

if only she was like daniel and had a dead partner?

maybe shes got a dead hamster she can sing for?
Actually-she looks like she has been Botoxed to within an inch of her life.
knockin on the stage door

let her out shes shyte
I meant MC-lol
i didnt even notice careys t1ts i was too busy cringing at those facial expressions of hers as she sung.

get big hair ruth on a plane back to spain , she bugs me and laura is alot better
She is still better than Daniel and the wee leppyrachaun
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bi acth lets listen to laura who is going to win
Oh dear, more thinly disguised bad language. Can't you be hilarious without using horrible words?
shum daysh ill wishhh uponsh a shtarrrr

ffs is she sean connery ?

yeshhhh mishhh funny faenny

or ronan

ive got shumfin to telll you

ive got shhhumfin to shayyyy

keating ??

jesus christo
That's better!

Still stunningly unfunny, but at least no bad words.

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mariah carey what a let down!!!

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