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lubecki161 | 17:19 Mon 10th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
go through stages in your relationship of just wanted to sleep with someone else? My friend mentions she just has days when she just wants to have sex with someone other than her husband! She'd never ever do it but i was just wondering if this shows a problem or if its quite normal?


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What is her number?
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lol! I said she'd never do it !
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Worth a try, If she's thinking about it.................
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I'd say this was very normal in a long-term relationship.

I certainly did.
As long as you don't tell Dani, I'm all for it.
Spit roast anybody?
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yes we are thank you no.knowledge! Im not married!
One each vibra, no need to share.
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why are you people on my thread talking about nothing to do with it??
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Sgt. u sound like u wanna ummmmm.....
have fun?....

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