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Hello and Thank You All

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jen78 | 10:01 Tue 11th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
for all my birthday wishes :)

Had the loveliest day yesterday with my mum then a lovely meal and drinks with friends last night.

Felt for spoilt and very overwhelmed at my lovely presents, got a lovely bracelet from my brother and his girlfriend, a bracelet and ring and gorgeous bed set and throw from my parents, a beautiful heart chain and some perfume from work and some perfume from a friend.

I had such a lovely day xxx


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Hi, Glad you had a great day. Birthdays can be fun can't they.
you got a lot of perfume Jen-any particular reason
Morning Jen hun , sounds as though ypu had a lovely time on your special day , and what super prezzies sweetie .
Have a good day at work :-) xxxxx
Glad you had a nice birthday and presents Jen.
Excuse the typo jen , silly morning fingers*
Lol@beejay , cheeky yet again !

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