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Sasha13 _&_ Maypole

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weeal | 10:18 Thu 13th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Have a lovely birthday girlies x


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Question Author
theyre obviously not around today lol
Never heard of them!
Question Author
haha neither had I till last night just thought it would be nice to remember it was their birthday today, then again maybe they wont be back
Hi weeal hun , I thought sasha said last night that it was 2 hours something before her birthday so hopefully it is and hopefully she , and Maypole may be here later .
If so have a really great day sasha , and Maypole too xxxxx

For sasha .... eemski1/happy-birthday.jpg
Question Author
ahh mamma thats nice, theyre prob having a busy day

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