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Annoying Pop-Up

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ChrisD | 10:45 Fri 25th Mar 2005 | Technology
4 Answers
I keep getting Pop-ups with the title Ceres, for games, ringtones etc. I am running AVG and 'Pop-up Stopper' but they seem to be still getting through. Has a program installed itself or is there another way of blocking them?


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pop-ups seemed to have morphed dont they !

pop-ups used to appear as a program in your systray but these new ones come from the page u r viewing.annoying but hopefully their time will be shortlived !

Use firefox.

Install Adaware and Spybot, scan with both, remove anything they find.
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Thanxs Scatman. I've tried Adware which has found some objects. I'll see if that has cured it.
make sure u have the latest windows updates

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Annoying Pop-Up

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