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see "its snowing" :)

snow, rain, sleet, its all on there
No I have snow.
Well, I can see the point in the question. If it's raining where you are, you might be one of those people who prefer to answer brightly and positively "Yes, it's raining here!" rather than the rather negative and depressing "No, it's not snowing here" on the snowing thread. Diversity is key.
sorry gormless, i hadnt thought of it that way, perhaps because i have sleet here so could answer the snow question with a "sort of"
I agree though that the question may have generated unnecessary tension. The dreadful dilemma - dammit another what's the weather like where you are, which one do I answer on?
yes I have rain now, and its washed all the snow away

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It's raining

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