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tonight ...............

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legend.isgod | 00:17 Thu 11th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

iam mainly



with lotsa ice

d t h????


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And I am drinking Ron con miel.......... ;-0

too cold for ice.
Question Author
ron miel lol

great minds eh

think alike

only i havnt opened my btle yet

may or may not do

have you been kidnapped
i got a lvy gift in my post box
wen i came home

thanks to who sent my teeth and lips

back this morning

wow can eat me food now
off for a prawn wrap in 2 secs

lol xxxxxx
decided not to open

the baileys as i will be here all night im off to bed

early start xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

nite hun xxxxxxxx
Night night monty xx.

Baileys Leggy??? You'll be flat out in 10 minutes!
Question Author
igot litre for my birthday

nearly done monty

hic hic
nite ice

speak the morra

you are out in ten

legs baily

is proper weak

lol xxx

as he still here x ?
Well hope you wake up early, because I might be on the phone to you at long last!!
BAILEYS....lovely stuff!!
Have you tried the Tia Maria cream? We've got a huge bottle of it - which coincidentally came ffrom the Reef. Don't know if you can buy it here, but it's better than Baileys. I think that gets sickly after a couple of glasses.
i like the
heather cream from scotland it is bute


rite nite now as ice has my number

and i dont like early morning calls as i will be out

at 7 am xxxxxxxx

ice how you got my number ? lol xxxxx
I haven't got your number hun - I meant I'd try and call Leggy. If you want to send your em addy or number, pass it on. Er.....Leggy's got mine. x
mine too!!! xxxxx

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tonight ...............

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